Teachers and School Staff
"No more
pencils, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks!"
Whatever happened to our teachers and other school staff members?
If you have any information on them please let me know.
"No more
pencils, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks!"
Whatever happened to our teachers and other school staff members?
If you have any information on them please let me know.
Teacher |
Subject |
Where Now |
Information from |
Principal |
Lives in the Hereford area. He is in good health and enjoying life and retirement. |
Marge Capecci McLaughlin |
Vice-Principal |
Administrative Assistant |
English |
DIED Baltimore, MD |
Sharon Curl Mr. Adams passed away while receiving dialysis. He was taken to the hospital but he was already gone. There was a memorial service for him at St. Georges and St Matthew's Episcopal Church on Saturday, Sept 15, 2001 at 10 am. |
English |
Chemistry |
Tenth Grade Counselor |
Business Math |
died October, 1987 |
Abigail Atkinson |
Business Math |
Physical Education |
Auto Mechanics |
Special Education |
Typing and Office Practice |
Metal and Wood Shops |
Physical Education |
Physical Education |
Driver Education |
Died May 2002 at 83. |
Dundalk Eagle |
World History |
American History |
Physical Education |
English |
English |
Carmela DeFlora Veit married Coach Ed Veit a few years after we graduated. She has a couple of kids, a daughter, and I think a son. She became quite involved with the PTA. She eventually became Baltimore County President, and eventually Maryland State President. She still resides |
Marge Capecci |
Physics |
Chemistry |
deceased |
25th reunion |
Electronics |
deceased |
Richard Zelinka
Applied Mathematics |
World History |
deceased |
25th reunion |
English |
Physical Education |
deceased |
25th reunion |
Shorthand |
Biology |
Social Studies |
Ray Fino is living in Harford County, retired and working part-time for Harford Community College managing a wellness group. |
Driver Education |
Registered Nurse |
American History |
deceased |
25th reunion |
English |
Metal Shop |
College Counselor |
French |
Vocal Music |
Print Shop |
English |
Librarian |
12 grade Counselor |
deceased |
25th reunion |
Biology |
deceased |
25th reunion |
Chemistry and Coached Wrestling. |
I saw him about 2 Do you remember his 3 year old
daughter use to go to the
Bill Quigley |
Science Lab Assistant |
deceased |
25th reunion |
Math, Algebra, Trig. |
deceased |
25th reunion |
Diversified Occupation |
deceased |
25th reunion |
Art |
deceased |
Sandy Thacker |
Richard Zelinka
Applied Mathematics |
deceased |
25th reunion |
deceased |
Department Chairman Biology, Science Seminar |
Don Roberts is alive and well living as for the past 41 years in the Rossville area. I finished my teaching career in 1990 @ Kenwood High. Completed seminary & now serving as a chaplain @ Franklin Square Hospital Center. Was one of the Santas @ Harford Mall in Belair. |
Don Roberts |
Business Math |
Deceased |
25th reunion |
Business classes |
Patricia Szoda taught me at Lincoln Park High School, Lincoln Park, Michigan. Business classes, typing, shorthand, etc. I graduated in 1974. I last saw her around 1994 when my daughter attended the same school. I saw her in the hallway while attending a band concert at the high school for my daughter. |
Chuck and Jackie Pancoast
Physical Education |
deceased |
25th reunion |
He is doing great and lives in Towson with my mother, Maureen. David left teaching I believe in 1971 to become a full time artist, which has proved fruitful for him. He is the only five-time winner of the Maryland Duck Stamp Design contest. His website is www.marylandrealist.com where you can see some of paintings that are available for sale as limited edition prints. |
from his daughter, |
Social Studies |
deceased |
25th reunion |